• Revise and refine the company brand while honoring and leveraging the recognizable identity of a 35 year old company, a key player in the East Asian medicine product market in the United States.
  • Recommend a multi-phase brand revision and refine messaging and visual continuity for nine in-house product lines using a highly visible national tradeshow to deliver Phase I and Phase II recommendations.


  • Write a historical narrative of the company that leverages its age and precedent in the market, and set a new tone as a relevant player in today’s market.
  • Develop a tagline for the company that leverages its age as an asset in the market.
  • Re-design visual assets for a tradeshow booth while maintaining the spirit and recognizable brand elements of the company.
  • Develop a tradeshow digital kiosk featuring product information and specifications.
  • Develop and design new campaigns and visual continuity for multiple product lines, to be deployed across multiple channels.
  • Re-organize product display silos and write copy feature points for each product line.


Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc.


Continuing Education


Project Manager
Marketing & Content Strategist
Graphic Designer


Graphic Design
Print Production
Digital Production
Project Management


Initially I was tasked as a technician to create advertising graphics and write copy. Early in the process I approached the marketing manager and COO with a recommendation to audit their visual and written assets, create a strategy to revise multiple in-house product lines, and strengthen and revise their brand identity.


During the first year, we collaborated to revise the visual and written architecture of nine in-house and twelve outside product lines. The marketing manager and I revised and optimized advertising campaigns for each product line based on ecommerce analytics, focus groups, and observational field information. I crafted several campaign taglines and wrote feature points for each in-house product line, and redesigned graphics for the website, social media, and print advertising. The outcomes established consistent company-wide visual and language conventions, messaging hierarchy, and a content architecture that could be deployed across multiple channels: website, print advertising, social media, tradeshows, distributor sales packets, and learning management system (LMS).


The new advertising campaigns, improved product lines, revised messaging, and renewed company-wide marketing strategy were being implemented when the company was closing its primary home in Boulder to consolidate operations and expand in Portland. The timing was perfect. The team constructed a historical narrative document that positioned the company as both an experienced player in the market and a forward-looking company. The document served as a cornerstone for messaging the company identity and products, and would inform most future initiatives and campaigns.

The team chose the largest annual tradeshow in the US to deploy the revised brand. The tradeshow was also an opportunity to reintroduce the updated product lines to customers and distributors. I developed, designed, wrote copy for, and oversaw production of key assets to promote the revised company brand and improved product lines: display walls, product signage, totes, retractable banner, and other promotional materials. I also introduced an RFID reader to showcase key products and collaborated with the marketing manager to design the user interface, interactive graphics, and wrote product copy.


  • Blue Poppy: “The Choice of Practitioners Since 1982”;
  • “Legacy is important. So is the next generation.”
  • Blue Poppy Originals: “An original is worth more than a copy”
  • Blue Poppy Externals: “We’ve got the body covered”
  • Tempo Acupuncture Needles: “Discover your rhythm”
  • Blue Poppy Pediatric: “Effective remedies for your little patients”